dissecting your heart (and thought)

:for e.e. cummings

he carries (your heart) with him
he is never without it

he fears no fate
he (wants) no world
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever sun will always sing is you

here is (the deepest secret) nobody knows
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

he carries your heart

he carries it in his heart
anywhere he goes you go, his dear;
and (whatever) is done by only him is your doing, his darling

for you are his fate, his sweet
for beautiful you are his world, his (true)

here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called (life);
which grows higher than soul can hope or mind (can hide)

he carries it in his heart.


sayang sayat sayung

makam makan makna
imaji imbit impresi
ruhban rujah rubian
amanah amputasi ambisi
ninitowok ninabobo nimfomania
duafa duel duka
arloji arih ari-ari

oblasi obral obsesi
luap lucut luka
gahara gagahi gaharu
api apas apati

visum visitasi visiun
indung incar inang
onani onyok ontologi
lapang labas lapar
ah, andaikan dunia tak perlu kata-kata.


aku ingin (2)

aku ingin mencintaimu dengan setia
seperti mentari, tak pernah lelah terbit dan tenggelam,
sampai sang kekasih berkata lain.
